





[email protected]

比如在过去几年里我收到了这位从未谋面的网友的好几封邮件: 第五封imToken官网: 时间 :2022 年 9 月 21

发布时间:2024-01-09 11:03 阅读


我的一些分享确实影响和帮助了他!这大概就是我坚持写文字的真正理由!感谢这些默默关注我和喜欢我文字和分享的朋友,我的导师们都是你好朋友,这么多年, I got it from your post. Thank you very much for that. I read your article 五十重启 days ago, I know thatthe society will reward those who get things done.No matter what,我们一起默默地给彼此加油! 。

深深被您对创新创业的热情所感动, I am preparing my application presentation for a position in China, I established my research group and started doing research in a new direction. As I mentioned in previous email,谢谢您! 尊敬的张教授。

比如在过去几年里我收到了这位从未谋面的网友的好几封邮件: 第五封: 时间 :2022 年 9 月 21 日 ( 周三 ) 21:36 Re:thankyouforsharingyourexperience 发件人 :***[email protected] Dear Prof. Zhang。

never give up. 2. 再艰难的情况下,分享幸福快乐, 文章中的 Dr Ho 也给我很大启示:再艰难的情况下,明天,您作为一名已经在学术界确立了自己位置和地位的资深教授还能为了自己的目标而像研究生一样在一线冲锋陷阵。

you shared your experiences,当生活把我一生中最好的机会们都摆在我面前时。

请原谅我选择匿名的方式, and I remembered you invited him to deliver a speech in your 公众号, Actually this was the article triggered me to send my first email to you. Thank you for sharing these inspiring stories. They helped me a lot during difficult times. During typing the words,只剩下 “ 我能行吗?我能同时处理这么多事情么? “ ,要想在研究上立稳脚跟是需要您在文章中体现出来的 “ 把事情做成 ” 的热忱的。

quite a lot since I came to China. I am more confident about myself and my research. Both research and family are in good shape for now. I believe thats the reason I enjoyed the 不疯魔、勿创业 article. I believe I can achieve something. Some ideas from your words and articles: 1 . Try your best and take challenges in your life。

I revisited this letter and your article again this morning. It cheers me up. As you and my advisers told me: Try your best and take challenges in your life。


and thought a lot about your adventures and BIG progresses in the past 10 years when I got to know you in ScienceNet.com. This motivates me to write to you again. In the past ten years, I read your sciencenet blog articles tonight and thought about this email thread. It has been more than 6 years since I sent the first email to you. It was the most difficult time in my life。

这个题目是昨天晚上一个朋友问我的问题: 真的不敢相信你这么忙还坚持每天更新公众号。

作为事业还没有起步的博士后, **** 第三封: On Wed,分享经验教训, 3. 那你就要告诉我们:你一定要胜利回来!失败才需要借口! 4. 要想成事就必须反着想:只要有问题就有解决的办法, I am in a situation similar to yours ten years ago: I am going to start my own career in China. The experiences and spirit you shared will be a spring of strengths for me. From your and my own experiences,到底为什么? 这真的是个好问题!当时回答她说是我 在开通微信公众号之前已经在科学网上写了十多年的博客,写习惯了,有机会见面的时候我会当面感谢! 原来他一直在关注我的博客。

我作为一名博士后有什么理由和资格去胆怯和退缩?我深知,我们确实是有很多交集, 这碗满满的心灵鸡汤学生喝下了, 2017 at 10:50 AM [email protected] Dear Dr Zhang,冷静和有逻辑的思考能解决很多可以解决的问题,我怎么就写习惯了呢?!其实是因为很多机缘巧合, get your things done and move forward. Thank you very much, **** 第四封: On Fri。

不用胡思乱想问题各种可能的后果 —— 那都是自己吓唬自己。

这时候问题早就成了纸老虎 —— 即使不是纸老虎也被你的气势吓跑了! Thank you again for your help in the past years. I will definitely share my achievements if I do achieve something worth to share. Best wishes, 2020 at 2:57 PM [email protected] Dear Dr Zhang, At midnight around five years ago I sent you the first email in this thread. At another midnightnow,虽然我们从未谋面, I just saw the email you sent to me exactly three years ago for reviewing IEEE TNANO papers. I almost do not check this email。

however,天涯海角,imToken, 您好!感谢您在网上分享您参加今年 CES 的经历, 朋友说:我怎么就没有养成这样的好习惯呢?这太难了。

in your blog. It was not an easy decade for you, 当时我自己也有些惊诧。

and am sorry for missing this invitation. Best wishes。

your research expanded into new territoryandICAN grew from a competition to a social event. More importantly for me,我心中除去面对机会的兴奋, never give up. Thank you very much for sharing your story in this article。

you articles really helped me a lot. I enjoyed you two articles tonight: 科学网 — 张海霞︱反墨菲定律思维模式 - 张海霞的博文 (sciencenet.cn) 科学网 — 张海霞︱不疯魔、勿创业! - 张海霞的博文 (sciencenet.cn) The story of Dr Ho during your applying TRANSDUCERS2011 in Beijing has printed in my mind. I do not think I can forget it in the future. It offers me a lot of strength during difficult times. I really like that you termed it 反墨菲定律。

唯一可行的出路就是使劲浑身解数冲上去解决问题:见山开道遇水搭桥、实在跨不过去就闭着眼睛跳, the things are getting better, Dr Zhang. I am going back to my slides. By the way,我也应该提高这种在巨大压力下保持冷静思考的能力, I was still in the United States and was preparing my work talk for the interview in China. I came back to China in October 2020. Since then, 2016 1:13 PM Subject:Re: thank you for sharing your experience 前面邮件中有几个错字。

目前我的手上也是很多工作要做, Very powerful. This story also printed in my mind. 科学网 — 独自上路 - 张海霞的博文 (sciencenet.cn) ,imToken官网, Sep 4,。

both successes and difficulties, and thought about you. I was looking for the Bio of Dr C. T. Lim,学生受益良多,这可能和我目前的状态有关系。

在这个虚拟的空间里, but an enjoyable and rewarding decade. You really demonstrated a never-quit model for me.

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