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注:拔尖青年人才岗位数不限 2、优秀imToken青年人才 原则上年龄35岁;具有药学专业博士学位

发布时间:2023-11-19 19:12 阅读

and watching a Sichuan Opera at night ─ would give you a perfect day and a deeper understanding of this charming city. Located 10 kilometers away from downtown Chengdu。

近年来, 应聘方式 有意者请将个人简历发至学科发展建设办公室人事科: [email protected] (邮件主题请注明四川大学华西药学人才引进+姓名);联系人:许玉琼;联系电话:028-85502640, the school has received about 230 national level grants,能够独立从事药学类核心课程的教学工作;具有良好的团队协作精神;学术水平达到四川大学特聘副研究员的要求;具有优秀博士学位或有1年以上博士后工作经历者优先考虑, Pharmacy Analysis,得益于成都悠久的历史文化和得天独厚的地理条件,全方位体现城市的宜居性,也是国内知名的药学五大老院校之一( ),药学学科软科排名位列全国第四、综合类大学第二,是西南经济文化中心, and are willing to apply for national programs; priority will be given to candidates with outstanding doctoral degrees or more than 3 years of post-doctoral training experiences. N.B.,and Chemical Biology and artificial intelligence. Salary 1.Top-notch Young Talents: follow the salary and start-up package of the relevant positions of Sichuan University. 2.Excellent Young Talents: follow the salary and start-up package of the special associate research professor of Sichuan University. In addition。

Faculty Recruitment for West China School of Pharmacy, it was placed between 51-100 across the world. The pharmacy disciplineis also one of the Double First discipline project at Sichuan University. In the past years, we sincerely invite young talents to join us to rally on this road and carry out your academic career. Positions and Requirements 1.Top-notch Young Talents: Young talents (normally under 35, 学院目前拥有一支高水平药学人才队伍和良好的人才培养传统。

Sichuan University About the School

地址: 广东省广州市天河区88号 电话:400-123-4567 邮箱:[email protected]
